Zhaoyu (Edward) Xu

Zhaoyu (Edward) Xu

CSE Stu @ GaTech/Ex-IBanker @ CICC

Georgia Institute of Technology

London School of Economics


Zhaoyu (Edward) Xu is an incoming master student in College of Computing (CoC) at Georgia Institute of Technology. Before joining GaTech CoC, he has completed his MSc degree in Finance at London School of Economics (LSE) and has obtained his Bachelor’s (Hons) degree in Finance & Applied Math from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU).

After graduation, he plans to pursue Ph.D. study in Finance/Financial Economics or in Operations Research (Financial Engineering). His research interests broadly cover the interdisciplinary fields of Machine/Deep Learning & Finance, currently focusing on the financial applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP) Models.

Download my resumé.

  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computational Finance
  • Asset Pricing
  • MSc in Computational Science and Engineering, 2024

    College of Computing, Georgia Tech

  • MSc in Operations Research, 2024

    School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech

  • MSc in Finance, 2021

    London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

  • BBA (Hons) in Financial Services & Applied Math, 2020

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Machine/Deep Learning

Academic Experiences

LORA Technologies
Quantitative & NLP Researcher
Jan 2021 – May 2021 Hong Kong

Responsibilities include:

  • Worked on the research project of integrating several state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing models (like FinBERT, etc.) with Finance applications
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
Economic Research Assistant
Jun 2020 – Oct 2020 Shanghai

Responsibilities include:

  • Actively engaged in the whole process of data collection/cleansing/mining using web scrapers/spiders & textual analysis tools (BeautifulSoup, Requests, Scrapy)

  • Collaborated with multiple scholars on several econometric & macro/urban/regional economic research projects focusing on -

    (i) The impacts of the unstable macroeconomic environment under the China-U.S. Trade War on various importing and exporting commodities from different sectors

    (ii) The synergistic and spillover effects of exhibitions/sports events on regional hotel and tourism industry

PolyU Accounting & Finance Tech Lab & LORA Technologies
Quantitative Researcher
Jun 2019 – Jun 2020 Hong Kong

Responsibilities include:

  • Comprehensively assessed the feasibility and suitability of a series of Machine Learning (PCA + XgBoost/LightGBM) & Deep Learning (AutoEncoder + GRU/LSTM) models on the predictions of company fundamentals (i.e., the Earnings)
  • Underwent systematic training on Python, R, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency and Statistical & Machine Learning

Professional Experiences

China International Capital Corporation Limited (CICC)
Full-Time Analyst - Investment Banking Department
Jul 2021 – Jan 2022 Beijing

Responsibilities include:

  • Deeply engaged in 4 IPO and 1 Non-Public Offering projects, together with the continuous supervision and guidance for 3 other projects-

    (1) EZVIZ (A21616.SH) Spin-off IPO from Hikvision (002415.SZ) – 3.739B

    (2) China Isotope & Radiation Corp. (1763.HK) H-to-A Listing – 1.842B

    (3) BMC Medical (A20776.SZ) IPO – 738M

    (4) Rendu Biotechnology (688193.SH) IPO – 701M

    (5) East China Engineering Science & Technology (002140.SZ) Non-Public Offering – 931M

  • Taking full charge of the data collection/analysis and training material preparation for the “on-the-job training” to all IBD employees focusing on “IPO Rejection & Penalty Case Analysis from Jan to Aug 2021”

  • Engaged in the research project on analyzing the examination trend of AI-related IPOs on the STAR Market; Constructed the A/H-Share Comps Model Template for 4 different industries; Conducted the comprehensive performance analysis and comparison between CICC and another one of the largest IBs in China, reported to the Head of IBD

  • Independently developed the automatic data processing/updating and report generating toolbox using VBA and Python to follow up the latest IPO proceedings on the market, which is regularly reported to the whole IBD during the weekly morning conference

China Securities Co., Ltd.
Investment Banking Intern
Sep 2020 – Dec 2020 Beijing

Responsibilities include:

  • Actively engaged in the Sci-Tech Innovation Board IPO process of two leading semiconductor corporations focusing on the research and development of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) & SVAC (Security Video and Audio Coding) chips, executed onsite operational, legal, financial, KYC, AML due diligence work
  • Took the responsibility of conducting market & policy researches and composing roadshow materials on several Equity carve-out (ECO) & Refinancing Projects
Alibaba Group
Business Analyst Intern
Dec 2019 – Jan 2020 Shanghai

Responsibilities include:

  • Completed the differential characteristic analysis and feature extraction by dint of machine learning algorithms (PCA, Xgboost & LightGBM) for identifying the potential target customers of a current Alipay product with millions of users
  • Exerting the concepts and knowledges of Computational Advertising and Business Intelligence, continuously monitored the actual market effects of several specific publicity advertisements for this product, where statistical hypothesis (A/B testing etc.) and time series analysis are well performed for ameliorations on effectively designing the interactive user interface
China CITIC Bank (CNCB) (Hong Kong) Investment Limited
Summer Intern - Department of Asset Management
Jun 2019 – Aug 2019 Hong Kong

Responsibilities include:

  • Independently developed several automated analytic programs using VBA and Python (NumPy & Pandas), which has been widely used for calculating normalized NAV and profit attribution indicators for a fund with an AUM over 250 million HKD
  • Verified and refined the valuation processes using DCF Model, Jarrow-Rudd (JR) & Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) Model, Monte Carlo Pricing and other methods for more than 20 investment projects in 2018FY with a total fair value over 12 billion HKD
  • Collaborated with colleagues from legal & compliance department, revised the internal control protocols based on actual practices to ensure the legality for all kinds of investment and financing businesses
Huatai Securities Co., Ltd.
Financial Analyst Intern
Jun 2018 – Jul 2018 Nanjing

Responsibilities include:

  • Assisted managing director in obtaining the market specifications and data in the proprietary trading platform to perform piercing inspection on the board members of listed companies
  • Participated in the regular meeting of research department, where fundamental analysis of regional macroeconomic statistics and technical analysis on MA, MACD, RSI and Fisher Transformation techniques are performed
MassMutual Financial Group
Analyst Intern – Asset & Risk Management Department
Jul 2017 – Aug 2017 Hong Kong

Responsibilities include:

  • Provided feasible recommendations for clients regarding portfolio allocation, risk monitoring and performance optimization using Markowitz’s Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Black-Litterman Model (Bayesian Shrinkage)
  • Examined macro and statistical characteristics of fixed-income, equity, and money market funds over $8 million to generate the research report on specific industries and provide benchmark analysis to the client


The 16th IAES Best Undergraduate Paper Award


(2020 Contest Description) To encourage undergraduate interest in economic issues, Andrew W. Lo, President, and Philippe Martin, Vice-President, of the International Atlantic Economic Society cordially invite students to compete in the IAES annual undergraduate competition in Washington, D.C., 15-18 October 2020

◼ Comprehensively assessed the feasibility and suitability of a series of Machine Learning (PCA + XgBoost/LightGBM) & Deep Learning (AutoEncoder + GRU/LSTM) models on the predictions of company fundamentals (i.e., the Earnings)

◼ Presented at the 90th International Atlantic Economic Conference

◼ Forthcoming at the Atlantic Economic Journal (https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.13995)

See certificate
LSE Graduate Entrance Scholarship

◼ Being elected as Academic Representative for the flagship MSc Finance Program at LSE

◼ Being granted £6000 GSS award

Dean’s List
◼ Awarded to the Top 10% students in the Faculty
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award
◼ Awarded to the Top 3 students in each major

The Mathematical & Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM)

Meriterious Winner (7%)

◼ Built valuation models on environmental degradation using Entropy Weight Method combined with Dose-Response Functions

◼ Evaluated the validity and sensitivity of the model based on remote sensing and statistical data from three provinces in China

◼ Analyzed the model stability on finite time intervals and generalized the original model by making time-series adjustments

See certificate

ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition

Judges Commendation Award (Top 12)

◼ The only varsity team from PolyU qualified for the regional semi-final competition

◼ Completed business proposal targeting at Ecotourism Industry in Hong Kong and proposed feasible improvement solutions for the social enterprise (NLPRA), which was commended by the organizing committee

See certificate


Boosting Methods & Deep Learning for Bond Pricing

Boosting Methods & Deep Learning for Bond Pricing

Graduate Dissertation @ LSE advised by Prof. Peter Kondor

Using Machine Learning to Forecast Future Earnings

Using Machine Learning to Forecast Future Earnings

Capstone Project Co-advised by Dr. Jingran Zhao (@ PolyU) & Mr. Stephen Choi (@ LORA Technologies)

Recent & Upcoming Seminars

Recent Publications

Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2021). Using Machine Learning to Forecast Future Earnings. In Atlantic Economic Journal.

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